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Entertainment News: Justin Bieber Plans To TRAIN His Fans

This topic literally stunned me. Honestly this is the first time I've heard an artist get upset because his fans scream during his performance. Isn't that the way most concerts go? The artist sings the songs and the fans coo over him like he's a living masterpiece. Apparently Justin isn't having it. He WILL NOT perform while the fans scream. He finds it disrespectful and feel as though they are drowning out his music. Justin believes that his music has reached an adult level and deserves much more respect, just like when Adele sings. I can understand where he's coming from, and honestly appreciate the passion and time he puts into his music now. However, fans are human beings, not dogs. You can not train a person, and tell them when and when not to adore you. Stopping the show and threatening fans by saying you won't continue even after they've paid a fortune to be there in the first place, is ridiculous. Everyone deserves their privacy and personal space, but for an artist a concert is not one of those times. During the concert the artist is the spotlight of it all, they're who everyone came to see. The artist is showing appreciation for their support by trying to entertain them. Justin is a serious artist now and with that comes serious fame. The ladies love him, and either he wants that in whatever way it comes. Or he doesn't want it at all.

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